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Soros, Go Home: Sponsor of Color Revolutions Lost His State Department Support

George Soros, friend and sponsor of all the colored revolutions around the world, is now being persecuted. It's probably because the US Stated Department stopped supporting him. As a result, several Eastern European countries pitched against George Soros and his Open Society Foundation. Soros and his fund are no longer welcome in Poland, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Romania. There are mass protests against him in Macedonia. Why so? Reported to you by Anton Lyadov. There are posters, saying "No to Soros Government". There are also more profane posters, like "Fuck Soros". This is the center of Skopje, Macedonian capital. Every day, thousands of people come here to speak "pro" united Macedonia and against outside involvement. Goodbye, Soros! Soros is a dirtbag and he wants war. Here are the young activists, fighters for democracy, with their torches, bricks and bludgeons. A chair into the President's window. They didn't like that he closed the case about authorities wiretapping phones. These tough guys burnt everything they could get their hands on. Launching paint balls into the government building. Activists openly and proudly commence protests, wearing "Soros Army" t-shirts. They honestly called this a "color revolution". Thousands of young activists stood in the streets, demanding to bring down the current president. In less than a year they brought down the PM and are now demanding to form new a government. New activists are recruited all the time. Activists are trained here, in the town's center, in one of the restaurants. Only the chosen ones know about this place. As you see, there's no advertisement of any sort. We'll try to get in while no one is looking. Look, downstairs it's just a cafe. And upstairs is where all the seminars are held. There is a large poster "For European Macedonia" and look at the fine print on the bottom of it, it says it's financially supported by the Open Society Foundation. That's Soros' organization. Upstairs there is a big lecture hall and a library. I saw this book, "Rules for Radicals". Is it a book about color revolutions all over the world? No, no, that's not it. So it's a coincidence that it's here? — Yes. — An accident? Yes. One, two, three...six books and all by an accident? No one in the streets read it. "Rules for Radicals" author, Saul Alinsky was Hillary Clinton's mentor when she went to Wellesley College. According to his biographer, Alinsky was also an inspiration to Obama's 2008 campaign. Here's a fragment from the book's prologue. "It's true that the government conducts persecutions. But there's still the freedom to fight. I can attack the government so I can change it." The book is given away for free to everybody who's interested. George Soros' foundation directly interferes with Macedonia's internal politics. They want to abolish the Macedonian people and make the government bilingual. This may lead to division of regions by nationality. For now there are two nationalities living in Macedonia — the majority are Macedonians and about a third are Albanians. They try not to take the same buses to avoid fights, their children don't go to the same daycare, Dreaming of the great Albania, 15 years ago the fighters went from neighboring Kosovo to the north of Macedonia, starting a civil war. Lately, the only way Macedonians and Albanians found peace was by coming to an understanding in the Parliament — they created a coalition. Everything changed after the appearance of non-government organizations. Media, sponsored by Soros, did a thorough job to make the union impossible. These changes are extremely dangerous. This will bring back the ethnicity issue in the country. In order to avoid a nationality conflict, "Stop Operation Soros" movement began in Macedonia. It leads its own investigation to see who sponsors what. This is a great mechanism that works in Macedonia, Bulgaria, Romania, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Hungary, They're involved in many issues. Hungarian-Serbian border. Double fence, heat cameras, border control every few hundred meters. Each day they catch 1-2 illegal migrants. Pro-western non-government organizations insist on opening doors to immigrants. On peak days, 10,000 people would cross over the border illegally. Even the fence didn't hold the illegals back. Even though the majority of Hungarian people voted against dividends for immigrants at the referendum, non-government organizations still helped them cross the border. We found a lot of proof — documents in migrants' pockets and bags. These documents were prepared by Soros' organizations with advice how to lie about their identities to the Hungarian police, so that they can get a refugee status in the EU. For example... If he tells the Hungarian police he's underage, under 18, they'll let him go. Don't try to come up with new rules for democracy, live by the ones that exist. Non-democratic influence on the government from non-government organizations has nothing to do with real democracy. In the next few days, Hungarian Parliament will discuss a new law. According to it, organizations, that receive over 20,000 euros, or 5-10% of their income, from another country, will have to report it to the authorities. They do not plan to close down any organizations no matter who finances them. For example, in Budapest's center, there's the Central European University, founded by George Soros and active for the past 26 years. A security system, surveillance cameras — everything to keep strangers out. In reality, it's a training center for non-government organizations. Here's an ad about a meeting on Thursday, where they can discuss a career in non-government organizations. We do participate in certain engagements, protests against violations of human rights. Those are attended individually. It's important for the philanthropist's name to be heard. In this region, they strongly support George Soros. The goal is to weaken the governments he dislikes. If they pass the law about the non-government organizations, in the next few months Hungarian authorities will start investigating which of them worked for foreign special services.

Soros, Go Home: Sponsor of Color Revolutions Lost His State Department Support
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